UNDP's Social Protection Offer 2.0

UNDP's Social Protection Offer 2.0
November 11, 2022
The Social Protection Offer advocates for multidimensional, integrated, and transformative approach to social protection and embeds our support in three mutually reinforcing areas, in which we have clear comparative strengths: responsive and accountable governance, resilience, and environmental sustainability.
Specifically, the Offer outlines solutions to develop strong, inclusive, gender-responsive and accountable social protection systems and help create the fiscal space for social protection. Our focus is also on making social protection programs more shock-responsive and more instrumental in reducing vulnerabilities arising from climate change, environmental degradation, and in support of just transitions. In a cross-cutting manner, the Offer underscores leveraging our capacities on data and analytics, as well as digitalization to better identify risks, vulnerabilities facing people and communities, inform social protection programming and improve outreach to those furthest behind.