UNDP launches project to integrate climate adaptation into strategic planning in Kazakhstan
July 5, 2024

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kazakhstan, in partnership with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and with financial support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), is launching a project to integrate climate adaptation issues into strategic planning in Kazakhstan.
Climate change affects various aspects of social life and exacerbates existing social and gender inequalities. It affects women and men differently in areas such as agricultural production, food security, health care, water and energy resources, migration, construction, etc. Adaptation to climate change is a key component for long-term responses to climate change, sustainable economic development, and the social well-being of nations, local communities, and ecosystems.
Kazakhstan is actively working to improve its resilience to climate change. According to the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) 2021, Kazakhstan ranked 36th out of 185 countries in terms of climate change adaptation effectiveness.
The Government of Kazakhstan has adopted an ecological approach in all sectors of the economy. Climate change issues are reflected in a number of key strategies, policies and concepts. The issue of adaptation to climate change was first addressed in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a new chapter of the Environmental Code entitled State management in the field of adaptation to climate change. This chapter outlines the norms and processes for adaptation to climate change and the new competencies of state bodies.
“The process of adaptation to climate change must also be implemented at regional level, and today’s project is an important step towards improving resilience to the effects of climate change and adapting to its consequences. As part of the project, we will jointly develop a comprehensive document, the National Adaptation Plan, which will set out all the strategies and measures to address the impacts of climate change in the different sectors of our economy and society. Coordination, communication and co-operation at all levels are needed to achieve the goals of the plan,”said Gulmira Galiyeva, Deputy Director of the Climate Policy Department at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Combating climate change requires considerable financial investment. An analysis carried out as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has shown that the financial requirements set out in the national climate action plans, also known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), of 78 countries amount to around USD $5,8 trillion by 2030. On average, this corresponds to around $600 billion per year. This project places particular emphasis on attracting private sector investment as well as national and international funding for the implementation of adaptation measures.
“Adaptation is a global challenge that all countries must address. UNDP collaborates with governments at all levels to provide integrated and cross-sectoral solutions. In this project, we will carry out extensive work with the Government of Kazakhstan to develop a national climate change adaptation action plan. We will analyze national legislation in areas such as forestry, water resources, agriculture and civil protection. In addition, a vulnerability assessment will be carried out to identify risks and create the conditions for integrating adaptation into national and territorial development plans,”emphasized Assel Nurbekova, Head of Energy and Environment Unit, UNDP in Kazakhstan.
UNDP supports countries' efforts to take adaptation measures and achieve the goals of Article 7 of the Paris Agreement. The process of developing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) is a practical approach that enables countries to comprehensively manage risks, find solutions to medium- and long-term adaptation needs and ensure coordinated development of internal and donor-supported resources.
It is worth noting that since 2017, UNDP has been involved in multi-year projects to advance national adaptation plans with financial support from the Green Climate Fund's Readiness Programme. To date, 53 countries have submitted their NAPs to the UNFCCC, 32 of which have received technical support from UNDP.