UNDP Turkmenistan
Partnership for development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can only be realized with strong partnerships and cooperation. A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships at the global, regional, national and local levels, built upon principles and values, as well as on a common vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the centre.
UNDP in Turkmenistan, being a highly trusted development partner of the country for more than 25 years already, stands hand in hand with the Government of Turkmenistan to support the national development agenda with global knowledge and best practices, with cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to support acceleration of the economic diversification and growth, linked with sustainable management of Turkmenistan’s natural wealth, build on new opportunities for green economy and low-emission development, strengthen its health and social protection system and improve governance principles focusing on human rights and gender equality.
The Government of Turkmenistan gradually became the largest donor of all projects implemented by UNDP in Turkmenistan, which indicates evidence of increased trust and readiness to expand cooperation with UNDP even further to support the country’s development agenda.
The implementation of the UNDP and the Government of Turkmenistan new five-year Partnership Programme for 2021-2025 relies on the continued strong partnership with the Government and other development partners. Around thirty UNDP projects are implemented jointly with the national authorities and international partners in close collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in the country and beyond.
Our partners include the Government of Turkmenistan, the United Nations system, donors, international financial institutions, the private sector, civil society and the media.
UNDP engages with Civil society organizations (CSOs) at all levels to support people in their efforts to build a better life. The partnership with CSOs is of strategic importance given the integrator role of civil society actors in development, which is critical to national ownership, good governance and achievement of development goals.
To accelerate the international efforts in building integrated, lasting solutions for people and the planet, UNDP Turkmenistan established a long -term partnership with the international climate fund – the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). This strong cooperation aims at supporting and enhancing environmental protection efforts and initiatives of Turkmenistan through introducing innovative water-saving irrigation technologies in agricultural crop production and environmentally sustainable water supply to promote an integrated approach to water management that is energy and water efficient. We partner with the GEF and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan to promote the land degradation neutrality, restoration and improvement of the use of land and water resources as well as conservation of biodiversity in the Aral Sea crisis zone to enhance the sustainability and resilience of livelihoods and globally significant ecosystems.
A 145-ha Research and Demonstration site “Green Polygon” in Gokdepe, Turkmenistan
UNDP partners with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to boost adaptation support to Turkmenistan towards enhancing the resilience and national adaptation capacity of the country to strengthen the institutional framework for the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and build a strong evidence base for adaptation planning in the water sector of the country.
Partnering with the GEF Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), UNDP Turkmenistan supports the adoption of adaptation measures with climate change considerations for sustainable development of agricultural communities living in Turkmenistan and improves institutional and legal mechanisms for the effective use of water and land resources through the development of a strong regulatory framework in the field of land and water resource management.
UNDP in Turkmenistan also cooperates with the GEF and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in the development of strategic national documents in the field of climate change, including the preparation of the Fourth National Communication and the First Bi-Annual Update Report of Turkmenistan under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the development of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement.

UNDP in Turkmenistan together with the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan contributes to accelerating the achievement of the SDGs in the countries of Central Asia in the framework of the Regional project "Creation of the SDGs Platform for Central Asia", funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the UNDP towards sustainable development through a knowledge sharing platform and monitoring the progress of the SDGs and funding in the region.
Through the Country Component of the Global Project on “Strengthening Resilience to Violent Extremism in Asia” (STRIVE Asia). A joint EU-UN partnership” UNDP Turkmenistan in partnership with Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Turkmenistan (MLSPT) aims to strengthen the resilience of local communities by supporting public PVE initiatives, supporting government and public organizations to achieve goals related to preventing and countering violent extremism among vulnerable populations, including youth.
We established strong partnership with the Government of Canada and Finland to strengthen the joint efforts on improving the system of protection, promotion, and implementation of human rights in Turkmenistan by reforming national legislation in accordance with the human rights international obligations of Turkmenistan. We partner with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the regional network of NHRIs – Asia Pacific Forum of NHRIs (APF)” on increasing the institutional capacity of the Ombudsperson’s Office in Turkmenistan.
Moreover, UNDP partners with the Government of Turkmenistan and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on introduction of a single window for export-import operations through an integrated customs information system ASYCUDA World to strengthen Turkmenistan's position in global economic space.
UNDP Turkmenistan partners with the Russian Experts on Demand programme, which is part of the Knowledge Management and Capacity Building project financed by the Russian Federation (RF) through the Russia-UNDP Trust Fund for Development (TFD) in such areas as health, economic development, environment and climate change. The Russian Experts on Demand Programme shares its own expertise for development around the world and supports UNDP in Turkmenistan in the implementation of the targets set aimed at improving the lives of people, including the most vulnerable.
UNDP Turkmenistan increases employment and income generation opportunities for people with disabilities through the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund contributing to improving the social protection system of Turkmenistan.
UNDP in Turkmenistan partners with other UN Agencies to develop a national model of inclusive quality community-based social services within the Joint Programme “Improving the system of social protection through the introduction of inclusive quality community-based social services” funded by the Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund.

Since 2010, with the financial and technical support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (GFATM), UNDP in Turkmenistan in close partnership with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan achieved significant progress in controlling tuberculosis. Over the past 11 years, besides introducing the new methods of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, huge efforts were made towards gradual transition to a full government financing of all grant activities. Importantly, through the Global Fund grant first time in Turkmenistan the patient adherence support programme was introduced. This programme component is implemented by the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan.
Today, most needs of the National TB control program are funded by the Government of Turkmenistan. UNDP partners with the Global Fund to ensure the smooth transition of all grant activities to a full state funding by 2024. Until then, the grant will continue supporting the diagnosis and treatment of the most expensive and technically challenging interventions on drug-resistant tuberculosis. As of 2022, the Government of Turkmenistan committed to finance UNDP for more than $50 mln to support the national health systems with control of infectious and non-infectious diseases.
We are honored to partner with the World Bank (WB) within the new $20 mln project on COVID-19 response funded by the WB implemented together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan to strengthen the national health care system of Turkmenistan and reinforce its response and preparedness to pandemics.
Partnerships are at the center of all aspects of our work. UNDP in Turkmenistan will continue enhancing partnerships with national institutions at the central and local levels, international agencies, CSOs, foundations, missions and private sector to support the efforts of Turkmenistan to build forward better and achieve 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, leaving no one behind.