Building a Sensory Room for Children
Children with disabilities have the same needs as other children, they just need additional support to reach their full potential.
In partnership with the Municipality of Tutin, UNDP Serbia launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the kindergarten launch and equip a sensory room to ensure children with disabilities can enjoy their childhood to their maximum.
Tutin, one of the poorest and least developed municipalities in Serbia, lacks the proper equipment in the preschool education system for children with developmental or behavioral disorders and are in need of financial aid and professional staff to rid of this gap. Sensory rooms entail the use of soft walls and floor coverings, mats and pillows, water-filled tubes through which balls of different colors move, projectors, music armchairs, multi-part soft cubes, interactive whiteboards, and sprays with essential oils and are utilized in various ways according to the treatment needed for each child. They assist children gain basic skills for everyday life such as unbuttoning and buttoning buttons, zippers and belts, tying knots, bows and cleaning clothes, shoes and space. Mila Hadzic, a defect ologist and speech therapist working at the kindergarten “Habiba Stocevic” explains that by “stimulating the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch, this equipment relieves the tension of children with disabilities and encourages their independence.”
The crowdfunding campaign “Posebno je važno” or in English “It is of special importance” sought to build sensory room for pre-school children with special needs in the Kindergarten Habiba Stocevic in Tutin, Serbia. The campaign was launched using the Serbian platform Donacije.rs https://www.donacije.rs/projekat/senzorna-soba-tutin/ to target the local community on 25 November 2021 with an initial goal of raising 8000 EUR. By the end of the 61 active days, the campaign had exceeded its goal by raising a total of 981.600 RSD (8363 EUR). The funds were put forward through 29 donors, including the support provided by the Tutin Municipality who contacted local donators that provided 30% of the financial target.
As a result of this campaign, 45 children, aged 3 to 6 located in Tutin, now have access to a safe and accessible sensory room. This environment will greatly support their development and facilitate their acquisition of new skills.
now have access to a safe and accessible sensory room