Ahead of COP29, UNDP and the Government of Azerbaijan underline the need to scale up climate action
July 16, 2024

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Azerbaijan organized a discussion on the priorities of the upcoming COP29 and the need to scale up action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
The UN Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties or more commonly known as COP29 is hosted by the Government of Azerbaijan and will take place in Baku on November 11-22, 2024.
“New climate finance goal should be fair and ambitious, adequate to the urgency and scale of the climate crisis taking into account the needs and priorities of the developing country parties. Biennial Transparency Reports are essential for tracking progress on commitments, building trust and confidence, assessing gaps and financial needs,” said H.E. Yalchin Rafiyev, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Lead Negotiator for COP29.
Today, the world emits over forty gigatons of carbon dioxide every year. At this rate, the planet will soon be pushed past the 1.5-degree limit. Countries’ national climate plans or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – which are due next year – are essential to avert this calamity.
Through its Climate Promise initiative, UNDP has supported 100 developing countries submit enhanced NDCs during the second revision cycle – of which 91 percent raised their targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and 93 percent also strengthened adaptation goals.
“Our recent public opinion survey on climate change shows that 80 percent – or four out of five - people globally want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis,” said Camilla Brückner, the Director, UN/UNDP Office in Brussels. “Our today’s collective efforts are shaping the world of tomorrow. We stand ready to support countries in stepping up their climate action efforts.”
The discussions stressed the need for countries to set more ambitious targets by enhancing the national climate actions in alignment with the Paris Agreement goals and the role of public and private financing and innovative approaches in the implementation process.
Given the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable, speakers stressed the importance to engage with underrepresented groups, including women’s groups, indigenous peoples, local communities, and youth, to ensure their meaningful contribution and leadership in climate action efforts.
In Azerbaijan, UNDP is supporting the Government to develop a National Adaptation Planning process, which will lay the foundation for comprehensive climate action.