Executive Board
Additional resources
Letter from the UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, to the Executive Board (31 October 2022)
Letter from the UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, to the Executive Board (17 December 2021)
Update on progress made in implementing the GEF audit recommendations and related management commitments (communication sent to the Executive Board on 27 October 2021)
- Letter from UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, to the Executive Board (26 October 2021)
- Update on progress made in implementing the GEF audit recommendations and related management commitments
- Annex A. BDO/UK observations and UNDP management action
- Annex B. Follow-up/responses to the recommendations in the independent review of the S&L project by Amitav Rav as of October 2021
Update on progress made in implementing the GEF audit recommendations and related management commitments (briefing by the Administrator on 1 July 2021)
- Statement by UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, to the Executive Board
- Status of the implementation of the OAI GEF audit management actions
Briefing on the OAI GEF audit and related matters (16 March 2021)
Systems and silos: Review of a UNDP/GEF project - Final report (26 January 2021)
Briefing on the Global Environment Facility (GEF) audit and review and UNDP’s oversight and accountability mechanisms (26 January 2021)
- Letter from UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, to the Executive Board (22 January 2021)
- Update on management actions (22 January 2021)
Briefing on UNDP's management and oversight of resources financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) (16 December 2020)
Cost recovery
- Compendium of questions and answers from the joint informal consultation of 1 November 2019
- Joint informal consultation on cost classification and cost recovery (1 November 2019)
- Financial implication of cost classification recommendations
- Compendium of written responses to questions from Member States at the Joint briefing on cost classification held on 28 August 2019
- Joint briefing on cost recovery (24 May 2019)
- Joint briefing on cost recovery (27 August 2018)
- Joint briefing on cost recovery (29 May 2018)
- Joint report on cost recovery (13 April 2018) and Annexes
- Joint cost-recovery briefing (22 March 2018)
- Cost-recovery annotated outline (12 March 2018)
- Frequently asked questions on cost recovery
- Cost recovery update (presentation at the joint briefing of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women on 24 January 2018)
- Cost recovery (presentation at the joint briefing of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women on 26 April 2017)
- Cost recovery overview (presentation at the joint briefing of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women on 3 February 2017)
- Information on cost recovery related matters (7 September 2016)
- Assessment of the consistency and alignment of the cost recovery methodology used by the funds and programmes with General Assembly resolution 67-226 approved by the Executive Board (presentation made at the joint informal consultation of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women on 23 August 2016)
- Independent and external assessment on the consistency and alignment of cost recovery with General Assembly resolution 67/226 (17 August 2016)