2022 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey Report

2022 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey Report
July 17, 2024
The 2022 LCMS estimated a total population of 19.6 million, with 60% residing in rural areas and an average household size of 5.1 people. Labour force participation was 31.4%, with a higher rate for males (34.8%) compared to females (28.4%). The unemployment rate was estimated at 13.1%, with females experiencing a higher rate (14.9%) than males (11.5%). Agriculture, forestry, and fishing employed the most significant portion (37.2%) of the workforce. The survey revealed a significant disparity in income distribution. The top 10% of households captured a staggering 56% of total income, while the bottom 50% earned only 7%. This substantial income inequality is further reflected in a very high Gini Coefficient, which stood at 0.69.
A critical finding of the LCMS was the high poverty rate. Sixty percent of the population lived below the national poverty line, with a stark difference between rural (78.8%) and urban areas (31.9%). Additionally, 48% of the population was categorized as extremely poor. The survey also highlighted the greater vulnerability of female-headed households, with 634 out of every 1000 experiencing poverty compared to 588 out of 1000 male-headed households. The incidence of poverty was highest among small-scale agricultural households (81.0%), followed by medium-scale agricultural (73.2%) and non-agricultural households (70.4%). Muchinga Province had the highest poverty rate (82.6%), followed by Western (78.6%) and Northern Provinces (78.0%).